Monday, May 31, 2010

Reality, Fantasy, and Truth

Dreams are something every person has. They range from acing a test to traveling the world. But is obtaining a dream really possible? Dreams after all are sometimes defined as “wild fancies” and “unreal”. Do we really want to chase “wild fancies”? Sure, it feels nice to leave reality and dwell on the fantastic, but does it really do any good for anyone?

People battle between what they have and what they want. Reality and fantasy are always battling for control. We are told so many different things: “Reach for the stars”, “Get your head out of the clouds”, “Be the best”, or “Be realistic”. The world throws so many confusing orders at us that we get lost in the frenzy.

That’s where I see how dreams come in handy. We can balance our world with them. You can’t always be the best, but you see how your life could be if you were, so you have something to work for. Dreams show us our deepest wants, but they leave out the little point on how to reach them. That part is left up to us to figure out.

So how do we obtain these “wild fancies”? Honestly, I don’t know, and I doubt I’ll ever know. But I’m ok with that. Life is full of mysteries and unknowns. It makes it fun. What fun would it be if you knew the outcome of the battle between reality and fantasy? Walk through every day with your head held high and your mind and soul ready to experience the world. Let your experiences define your path and your dreams push you on. Never give in to impossible fantasies or dull realities. Be unsure and love how and where it takes you.

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